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Over 25 years as a leader in the adventure travel industry

Casey Hanisko, she/her, with long dark hair, white skin, glasses. She is pictured smiling with a green sweater, long necklace.

My History

Throughout the last 25 years while managing global and multi-generational teams, I built and nurtured culture and created purpose-driven, transparent workplaces. I did this with patience, empathy, gratitude, and a passionate desire to create the best places to work for people while creating successful businesses. It has not always been easy, and that is why I am excited to help you


My experience includes:

  • 5 years as President of the Adventure Travel Trade Association.

  • 20 years in leadership positions as marketing, communication, and sales vice president and director, including 14 years at outbound tour operator Zegrahm Expeditions.

  • Business and leadership coaching and mentorship through my coaching and consulting business as well as Guest Focus's Coaching Program.

  • Non-Profit Board, Advisory Board, and Grant program positions including time with Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest, AZA's Eliminating Wildlife Trafficking group, and Washington Women's Foundation.

  • Retreat and workshop facilitation, keynote speaking, writing, and interviews related to business strategy, people management, sustainability, women's leadership, and purposeful travel.

My Expertise


Become a great leader first and your people will follow. I am trained in Brene Brown’s Dare to LeadⓇ, Moe Carrick’s Leading People Program (LPP), Everything DiSC®, and Mindsetting for Well-Being and Performance. I am also a certified coach and yoga instructor. 

Throughout my career, I have sought ways to lift up and put the spotlight on women leaders. I am proud to have championed women's leadership initiatives, organized women’s leadership forums, and mentored women through Camber’s Ann Krick Mentorship program. I currently am the Senior Facilitator for Women Travel Leaders Elite Group Coaching Masterminds.


Over the years I have marketed countless new innovative adventure travel itineraries. As a creative and results-driven executive, my roles have included business strategy and development, marketing, sales, communications, and product development. 


While at purpose-driven companies, I was an integral part of implementing and communicating climate action solutions and sustainability practices from carbon offsetting and removal programs, conservation practices, and education to suppliers and travelers. 


As a speaker at industry events, I have been a keynote speaker and panelist at conferences on topics ranging from adventure travel and climate action, marketing and storytelling, women’s leadership, travel trends, and accessibility in adventure travel. 

I have also contributed to interviews, podcasts, articles, and research papers lending my expertise and voice. You can see examples of these in Media. In addition to industry writing, I am a poet and have published Ripple: A Book of Poems.

Woman hiking through mountains, back is to the camera. She has a backpack.

Partners + Clients

My coaching and consulting services include working with a variety of partners and clients from around the world. Global clients have included businesses located in places such as Australia, The Netherlands, Rwanda, Peru and across the USA and Canada.

Direct Coaching Clients - executive and leadership coach for women and purpose driven leaders running small to medium outbound and inbound travel operations to owners, leaders, and executives of travel technology businesses to non-profit organizations focused on adventure activities and sustainability.


Adventures in Good Company - executive coach, business strategist, and people leadership consultant.


Women Travel Leaders - an Elite mastermind group coaching facilitator for women executives and business leaders in travel.


Guest Focus - accountability coach for business owners through Guest Focus’s nine month coaching program supporting emerging and growing single day and multi-day travel businesses.


wmnsWORK - a mentor and workshop educator on leadership for wmnsWORK group cohorts focused on women+ entrepreneurship in travel.


International women's forum


International Women's Forum



International Coaching Federation


Women Travel Leaders



Adventure Travel Trade Association


Transformational Travel Council

Certifications + Training

CTA Certified Coach - certified coach through Coach Training Alliance 


Leading People Programâ„¢  - trained on leadership self awareness, cultural building, people management, diversity, and accountability. 


Dare to Leadâ„¢  - trained on principles centered on Brene Brown’s book Dare to Lead, encouraging brave leaders and courageous cultures.

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